Youth Initiative Program Application – Delta GEMS and Delta Academy
The Greenville (SC) Alumnae Chapter is seeking young ladies ages 14-18 (grades 9-12) who are interested in joining Delta GEMS, as well as young ladies ages 11-14 (grades 6-8) who are interested in joining Delta Academy.
Our goals are to provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success: to assist girls in proper goal setting, and decision-making, and planning for their futures – high school and beyond, and to create compassionate, caring, community–minded young women by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.
If interested in participating, please click on the link below, complete the form, and return to the chapter at the referenced mailing or email address. The deadline has been extended to November 12 (postmarked).
Delta GEMS Application 2019-2020
Delta Academy Application 2019-2020